Mega Bloks Pyrates Wiki


The Ramshackle family had settled at Port Royal, Jamiaca in 1664. Nathaniel Ramshackle owned a fishing boat and hoped to inheret his love of fishing to his two sons, Thomas and Archibald. One day, Nathaniel and his sons set sail aboard their boat, when by accident, Archibald fell into the sea. They managed to save him, but by suprise, he found a mysterious object in the sea, which he took with him. It was a golden staff with a gem on top of it.

They eventually found out that it was a staff which had gone missing about 150 years before. After researching through books and from different people, they found out that in 1514, Francis Madillian, a Catholic priest, had come from a long journey and on his adventures had discovered a form of magic. He showed the Pope this magical staff and what it could do, but he disaproved of it, because it was black magic, and had him burnt as a heretic. According to legend, Madillian's staff had given him invincability, and he came back to life, got his staff back, and sailed the seven seas. But the Nymph Calypso, was jealous of his power, so she caused a storm to strike his ship and caused the staff to fall into the water. He needed the staff to survive, for it generated his power to him. But he ran out of time to fnd it and died.

This staff had amazing history, and Archibald wanted to use it for himself. But his father, Nathaniel, thought it was a danger to the public, and was planning to try and destroy it. Archibald couldn't allow this to happen, so he ran off with it.

He grow up a powerful and invincable man and came known to be called Lord Pyrate. He learnt more about the powers of the Madillian Staff, and found out that he could even create his own magical staffs by using a spell which put some of the staff's power into an other staff. 

He captained a fearless and bloodthirsty crew, but deep down, he knew that they were not worthy to inherit the treasure. For fear that they would steal one of the staffs in the future, and use it against him, he wanted to hide his magic from them. So he found some sailors once, who were more superstitous than any other sailors he knew, which was perfect for his plot. He told them that he knew a secret to imortality and that they could be given that gift, if they obeyed his every word; Hide treasure and other riches that he owned, and eliminate anyone encounted in mission. He would reward them withthe Madillian Staff, if they did as he said, but disobey by one tiny comand and they would be cursed by his evil spells, and forrever be forced to guard his treasure. He gave them his tasks on pieces of paper, telling them where to hide things, and where to hide clues as to where they were.

Lord Pyrate hid the Madilian Staff himself, in Venice, and he was going to tell his three loyal servants the location once their mission was complete. But without the staff, he was slowly dieing. One day, he was so ill, that he had to asign his first mate from his ship, Dreadeye, to plunder one last load of treasure. As the battle proceded, Lord Pyrate wrote his last wills and testaments. To Be Continued.

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